Categoría: Videos

  • Where I See TWG In 5 Years And how do you see the Tax Workout Group changing over the next five years? So, we plan to scale nationally. We started in Florida primarily because that's where we're situated now, but we want to operate out of states where there's different state taxes and different state agencies governing those taxes. In Florida,…

  • Why We Do What We Do at TWG What is your “why” at Tax Workout Group? Our “why” at Tax Workout Group is to make it easier to get the expert tax representation wherever you are, and to resolve tax claims in the most efficient and effective manner. A lot of our clients will come to us and tell us they spent…

  • How TWG Delivers What do your clients expect from you and how do you deliver on that expectation? So, our goal and objective is, by far, to exceed our clients’ expectations. We're aggressive attorneys whose main focus is on delivering client satisfaction by producing innovative and strategic results. So, we strive to eliminate the headaches and sleepless…

  • TWG’s Growth & Footprint How many offices does the Tax Workout Group have? So, we have eight offices all across Florida serving Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa and Tallahassee. So, we cover the whole state.

  • How TWG Partners With CPA’s How do you partner with CPAs? What does that look like? So, we primarily partner with CPAs because they represent a huge source of referral work for us. Most of our clients actually originate from CPAs. The CPAs themselves are often the first ones to recognize a tax issue or problem arising in their…

  • Tax-Motivated Bankruptcy What is tax motivated bankruptcy? So, tax motivated bankruptcy filing is one where the principal claim in the case includes a substantial tax debt along with related interest and penalties. The tax that can be any type of tax income: sales, employment, even excise taxes. When it comes to eliminating these tax claims and…

  • The Biggest Mistake Business Owners Make During Tax Controversy What are some of the biggest mistakes business owners make when dealing with tax controversy issues? I think they generally underestimate the skills and abilities of the revenue folk that they deal with. And they seem to think also that they're so small they can fly off the radar, and both of those are…

  • The Thing I’m Most Proud Of In My Career What are you most proud of during your illustrious legal career? No, I wouldn't say it was illustrious, but we've helped some people out who needed help and got justice because we were there to help them, and they might not have gotten it otherwise.

  • Why I Love My Job What do you love the most about what you do? So, many times our clients come to us understandably very anxious and worried about their situations. What brings me the most joy in what I do is to see and hear the relief our clients express when we provide a successful outcome in their…

  • Avoid These Mistakes What are the biggest mistakes individuals that are facing taxed bankruptcy need to avoid? So, some of the biggest mistakes include filing the wrong type of bankruptcy, filing prematurely without engaging in adequate bankruptcy planning. Also, many businesses don't consider the impact of liens on their cash collateral and their ability to continue to…