Tax-Motivated Bankruptcy What is tax motivated bankruptcy? So, tax motivated bankruptcy filing is one where the principal claim in the case includes a substantial tax debt along with related interest and penalties. The tax that can be any type of tax income: sales, employment, even excise taxes. When it comes to eliminating these tax claims and bankruptcy, there are oftentimes complex statutory hurdles and judicial rules that we must navigate. But we live and breathe tax bankruptcy law, and we strategically plan each bankruptcy case to effectively resolve a tax debt. But most other bankruptcy firms, unlike us, focus on bankruptcy and deal with the tax claims as an afterthought. For us, the tax claims are a forethought. Our tax bankruptcy attorneys are experts in IRS practice and procedure and the interrelationship between federal and state tax laws, and the US Bankruptcy Code. In each case, our tax dischargeability analysts perform a comprehensive tax dischargeability analysis to review and analyze each tax claim and all events related and surrounding that tax claim. This allows us in turn to achieve the best possible result by filing the most appropriate type of bankruptcy at the optimal time in an effort to eliminate all tax claims, penalties and interest along with all other dischargeable debt.

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