Categoría: Videos

  • Eliminate Tax During Bankruptcy

    Are taxes really capable of being eliminated in bankruptcy? So, both state and federal taxes can absolutely be eliminated in bankruptcy through the bankruptcy discharge. However, certain conditions must be satisfied in order to render them dischargeable. These include filing the tax return at least two years before the bankruptcy filing. The tax return due…

  • What Is Tax Controversy What is a tax controversy? A tax controversy is a circumstance whereby a taxpayer and whoever the taxing authority is — be that the Department of Revenue, the Internal Revenue Service, Inland Revenue for our friends from the UK — whomever has a dispute with the taxpayer over whether an amount is due, by…

  • The Best Advice for People Under IRS Investigation And as a managing attorney at the Tax Workout Group’s Criminal Defense Group, what sort of advice would you give, or would you provide to someone currently under criminal investigation by the IRS? There's an old saying that the person who represents themselves has a fool for a lawyer. And that's no more true…

  • Why I Switched From Government To Private Practice_1 So, Brian, after devoting a substantial amount of your time working for the government, what made you switch into private practice? And what has the journey been like since then? The goal of going to private practice was to leverage what I've learned at the government into helping people and their businesses rather than…

  • When It’s Time To Engage A Tax Law Firm People acting on behalf of these taxing authorities such as auditors, they tend to have a field day with these taxpayers. When should a business owner seek assistance for tax problems? So, generally a business owner should seek assistance for tax problems as early as possible. All too often, taxpayers believe everything is fine,…

  • TWG’s Main Tax Practice Areas Tax bankruptcy, tax controversy, criminal tax defense and tax compliance. And what are the main tax practice areas of the Tax Workout group? So, at Tax Workout Group, we have four main practice areas: tax bankruptcy tax controversy, criminal tax, defense and tax compliance. Our tax bankruptcy group focuses on representing clients primarily in…

  • TWG’s Unique Selling Point So by combining our best-in-class team of tax and tax bankruptcy attorneys with various technological advancements, we make it easy for our clients. What is unique about your law firm practice model? Can you explain the virtual nature of the firm and how it's different from a traditional law firm? Yeah, so we have…