Why We Do What We Do at TWG

Why We Do What We Do | Tax Workout Group | Boca Raton, FL

What is your “why” at Tax Workout Group?

Our “why” at Tax Workout Group is to make it easier to get the expert tax representation wherever you are, and to resolve tax claims in the most efficient and effective manner. A lot of our clients will come to us and tell us they spent $80,000 fighting a sales tax case just to get it down to $40,000 when in fact they had many other additional claims to deal with simultaneously. At the end of the day, they’re coming to us to resolve everything. But if they came to us at the beginning, we would not have allocated so many resources fighting a single tax claim. We will look at things in the big picture. What’s the sense in fighting a tax lien for $50,000 if the client is in debt and can’t pay anything and everything? So, we take a step back, look at the entirety of the client’s situation, because we want the client to emerge with a great result.