Don’t file an IRS Offer in Compromise for Tax Relief – Here’s Why
Why not you ask? Most applicants do not qualify, and there are often more viable options. In addition, the Offer-In-Compromise (“OIC”) will only address IRS tax claims, and there very often is additional non-tax debt that will remain unaffected. A tax bankruptcy can eliminate everything and provide an actual “fresh start.” Often, a partial-pay installment…
Can Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Discharge State Sales Taxes?
Chapter 7, colloquially known as “straight bankruptcy,” is the “operative” chapter of the Bankruptcy Code that normally governs liquidation of a debtor. Liquidation is a form of relief afforded by bankruptcy laws that involves the collection, liquidation and distribution of the nonexempt property of the debtor and culminates, if the debtor is an individual, in…