Where I See TWG In 5 Years

And how do you see the Tax Workout Group changing over the next five years?

So, we plan to scale nationally. We started in Florida primarily because that’s where we’re situated now, but we want to operate out of states where there’s different state taxes and different state agencies governing those taxes.

In Florida, we can only bring in sales tax, Florida corporate income tax, and federal cases. In the short term, we look to expand it to states like California that impose additional taxes such as state employment taxes, personal income taxes, franchise taxes, capital gains taxes, etc. In the next five years, we see ourselves operating in five to ten states with an even stronger network of tax, bankruptcy and tax lawyers. Right now our pool of talent is primarily cultivated in Florida. But as we expand, we’ll be able to tap into the top attorneys in these states, so we can continue to provide top quality legal services around the country.

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