How TWG Partners With CPA’s How do you partner with CPAs? What does that look like? So, we primarily partner with CPAs because they represent a huge source of referral work for us. Most of our clients actually originate from CPAs. The CPAs themselves are often the first ones to recognize a tax issue or problem arising in their clients situation. So, typically, a CPA will normally contact us to make a referral. We then turn around and enter into a Kovel arrangement, where we hire the CPA back as part of an agent in our arrangement with the client. So, the partnership really stems from that context. So, instead of dealing with the client directly, the partnership with the CPA allows the CPA to continue working with the client, where we both have access to the portal and we all work together as one team. So, the CPA essentially becomes a part of our team, while also enabling them to generate fees for him or herself. So, in turn, we typically discount our fees when a CPA is involved because they handle a lot of the legwork based on the familiarity with the tax claims and the client.

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